Other Projects

2D Detection with CenterNet

Skills - PyTorch, GPU, Deep Learning, Keypoint Estimation

Implemented CenterNet from scratch for object detection and tested on KITTI dataset.

3D-LiDAR Object Detection

Skills - Deep Learning, Object Detection & Tracking

Developed an object detection and tracking system for urban traffic scene with Velodyne-128.

Mobile Manipulation

Skills - Trajectory Generation, Omnidirectional Robot

Programed the youBot mobile manipulator to pick and place a block.

One-legged 2-D Hopping Robot Simulation

Skills - Lagrangian Mechanics, Numerical Method

Modeled a 2D one-legged hopping robot on a flat ground.

A* Search, RRT and Navigation

Skills - Motion Planner, Differential Drive Robot

Implemented A* and Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree algorithm.

Design of Chassis for a Single-Seater Race Car

Skills - FEA, ANSYS, SolidWorks

Designed a chassis structure that complies with design rules.

Mechanical Design of Freight Elevator

Skills - SolidWorks, 3D Modeling, 2D Drawing, Material Selection

Designed a freight elevator and performed finite element analysis.



S. -Z. Ye, P. Jain, A. Walley, Y. -J. Yang and E. Abdi

2020 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), New York City, NY, USA, 2020